Descrição do Nhanh và Đúng - Đấu Trí So Tài
Game Fast and Correct: Unique, creative, most engaging questions, new knowledge, science, humanities, current affairs
Fast and Right Game : A game that can compete with online talent
Want to Explore the World – Let's Play Fast and Right
Want to Test Your Knowledge – Let's Play Fast and Correct
A place to satisfy your thirst to discover your own knowledge, discover Vietnam, explore the World...
Knowledge is money, add your knowledge to produce money for yourself..
Fast and Right Game will connect people and give players a puzzle game full of wisdom and fun.
- Top racing: The record of who gets the most consecutive correct answers
- Top racing: Who has the highest score?
- Fascinating questions, creative questions, philosophy questions, math questions, literature questions, history questions, english movie questions
- Test your limitless knowledge. Lots of fun puzzles.
Ranking Player Title based on IFT stat:
1- Newcomer:
2- Hard worker;
9-Dr google;
10- Professor google;
11- Aliens;
……… Please explore this Title…
Novel help right:
-Each turn has a maximum of 10 times of 50:50 help. Each turn will be granted 10 times of 50:50 help, if your help inventory is still available.
- Each turn has a maximum of 3 times to help save lives: For a question the player can't answer but doesn't want the game over, the player uses the help to save a life to continue playing, note that must press the save button before the answer time ends.
-Players will be saved the achievement of consecutively answering questions correctly if they choose Stop the game and at the same time their scores will be preserved.
-If you want to play privately, you can set a pass so that only those who know the pass can enter the room
Has player results saved on Leaderboard
How to play:- Players enter the room, with a maximum of 6 people answering the same question. Whoever answers the most correctly and the fastest will be the leader
In particular, there is a self-created screen with a Pass, so that our friends can compete against each other to calculate the achievement in a pre-selected number of sentences to see who wins or loses in the intellectual battle. This way will help you decide whethJungleeRummy er to win or lose, see who invites you to coffee, iced tea, tea…. Question content: there are tens of thousands of questions..
- Wide variety of questions from the fields of History, geography, literature... knowledge about Vietnam and the world... a lot of topics
- The questions are constantly updated, there are different levels of difficulty, the time to answer the questions also depends on the difficulty level: 1 star difficulty; Difficult questions 2 stars; 3 star difficult question
Rewards and purchases:
- Every day the player will have 10 times of 50:50 help and 3 times of lifesaving help
- When the help ends, players can buy extra 50:50 help, help Save lives, buy ad-free features at the end of the game.
Note: you need internet connection to play
Because there are tens of thousands of questions, mistakes may not be avoided. Please comment, take pictures and send feedback to help us fix and improve the game.
We sincerely thank you! Wishing everyone happy gaming!!!!!
Let's play the game Fast and Right!!!!